Friday, December 21, 2007

I (heart) the return line

I've noticed a pattern of behavior lately, particularly in my clothes shopping habbits.

You see, now that I have a full blown toddler (with opinions of her own and a loud mouth with which she can voice them) shopping for clothes has become....difficult.

Let's say I'm roaming the aisles of Target when lo-and-behold I fiind the perfect shirt. I love the shirt. I want the shirt. I need the shirt. Just for the record, the shirt is more than likely black (as that's basically all I wear!). :)

Well, at this point I have two choices:

1. Pick out two different sizes of the magical black shirt and go try them on the nearest dressing room so I can make an educated choice on weather or not the shirt needs to grace my wardrobe.

2. Hold the shirt up to my body (which, of course, is already cloaked in a bulky sweatshirt and a puffy coat) and (quickly) decide which one to throw in the cart before Little Miss Mary grows impatient with my decision making process.

Normally, I choose number 2. You see, I seriously fear getting her out of the cart to head into the dressing rooms. I just KNOW that the minute I take my clothes off, she'll escape under the door and go running into home electronics. I have this total mental image of me flailing through Target, wearing only my unmentionables, searching frantically for my giggling daughter.

And so it goes that I spend a great deal of my days in the return aisle...taking back this shirt or these jearns that were too big or too small.

All because my daughter CLEARLY wears the pants in this relationship.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Not just for grown-ups...anymore.

It's 7:oo AM

Mary is sitting in her high chair, being crabby. Sassy. Ugh.

I ask her, "Mary...what do you want? How can I help you???"

She looks at me, then bellers "I want some!!!"

"Some what?"


How could I not laugh? Evidently cold pizza is the breakfast for champions in the kids market too! :)

And so my day begins....

Thursday, November 8, 2007


Today is my birthday.

Today I am 28 years old.

Today...right now actually...I am sitting on the bathroom floor with my new laptop resting on my legs while my little girl splashes in the bath just a few feet away.

Today...unlike last year at this time...I am a stay-at-home mom, pseudo photographer, and professional grocery getter.

Today I am sipping coffee, wearing sweats, and sporting an uncombed hair-do at 9 in the morning.

Today I am half the age of my 56 year old father.

Today I am right where I am supposed to be.

Today I am thankful for all the gifts I've been given and the life I've been able to lead.

Today is my birthday.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

lifestyles of the rich and famous

Mary has a DKNY coat.

I'm not even sure that I know what DKNY stands for. In fact, I'm certain that I have no idea.

But, nonetheless, she has a DKNY coat.

I bought it at a rummage sale for $6.00. I think I'll resell it on ebay when she's done with it. I wonder how much I'll get?

Did I mention that my daughter has a DKNY coat.

My daughter is french

Seriously...I think Mary's french.

Lately, out of nowhere, she's taken up this french accent. Whenever I tell her "no!" (for example if she's getting into the cupboards" she'll turn around, shake her finger at the cupboards, and say....

"no," (as in "no, no baby" but with this crazy french accent).

What is THIS all about????

As Requested....HALLOWEEN!

So I'm a bit behind the matter, but you know I was going to do some obligatory Halloween pics eventually!

This year my little munchkin went trick or treating as a Bumble Bee! It's rather interesting how she came to aquire the costume this year. I was visiting my very put-together friend Rachel in August (yes, I said August) when she asked me what Mary was going to be for Halloween?

Huh? Are you serious?

She confirmed that she was, indeed, serious and that most costumes fly off the shelf early and I had better get thinking about it (her little pirate is just two weeks younger than Mary so she keeps me on my toes). So that very night we got on line and began looking at costumes, deciding on the bumble bee. I wasn't sold on forking over $25 dollars just yet, so I just filed the idea in the back of my noggin for future use.

The very next morning we got up bright and early to go garage sale shopping (because mamma love a deal!). Well wouldn't you know it...and the most ghetto garage sale we visited I discover a virtually brand new bumble bee costume for.....get this....FIFTY CENTS!!!! How could I resist?
So I scooped it up, bought it, and come October 31st I had the cutest little bee you ever did see!

She actually REALLY got into trick-or-treating (for a 17 month old). She was very polite with her "thank you's" but man did she take her time picking candy out! It was so much fun!

Naughty Wal-Mart

Seriously...what do they put in the air in that place?

Last night I loaded Mary up and took her to Wal-Mart so that I could get some groceries and such (looooooong overdue on groceries). Walking into the store I had a time limit in my head, "I want to be out of here in 30 minutes or less."


So they're playing the Christmas music (all my favorites) and they've got all their Christmas things out (I love looking at decorations and even those little gift sets they have this time of year). All of a sudden I feel my pace slowing, I'm lingering longer. In no time at all I find myself thinking, " would be fun to just walk the aisles and see what I can find."

WHAT??? How did that happen? I had an agenda!

Seriously...I think they have some sort of magic "buy lots of stuff" potion that they pipe into the air ducts.

Anyone else buying into my conspiracy theory?

Friday, October 19, 2007

Morning surprise

You know how it is when you first wake up in the morning. You can't really see yet and you sorta stumble for a minute or two before your body is actually with it. Well, it is in those half awake moments when I greet my early riser daughter.

Yesterday morning was no exception. She fussed, I woke, she beckoned, I went to get her from her crib.

I walk in, still dazed, and greeted her. She seemed to be preoccupied with her finger. Holding it out, staring at it, pointing to it. In Mary-speak, this normally means she has an owie. I figured it was a hangnail or something of the sort.

I obliged her, saying, "Oh sweetie...does Mary have an owie? Momma kiss it? Momma make it better?"

This must have been what she was hoping for because she instantly stuck her owied finger up to me, so that I could give it a peck with my healing mama-magic.

And so I did. In my sleepy haze, I leaned down and touched my lips to her sweet little finger.

And it was at that moment that I felt the monstrous, wet booger that had been residing on the end of her fingertip attach itself to my mouth.

And so begins another day in this crazy life of mine.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Bad blogger...

Man, I've been bad at keeping up with this lately. The problem is that I think of about 37 different blog topics a day...and then they just never seem to make it to the computer screen. Ah well....

All is good here. I've been very busy with the business which is fun (who wouldn't love getting paid to take pictures of cute little munchkins?) but tiring as well. I'm actually quite excited as I look ahead to next week when I have no appointments. Time for some quality mother-daughter bonding, I think.

Mary is good. She still knocks my socks off with her braininess. The other day she was walking around the house going like this:

"Blhhdhd" (pretend that's a stick your tongue out and spit noise)
"Bless you"
"Bless you"
"Bless you"
"Bless you"

She's such a nerd! I can't help but laugh at her.

Whenever we go over to her grandma's (which is pretty much daily) she busts through the door and yells, "SURPRISE!"

Such a grand entrance! Taking after her mother, perhaps? :)

The other day we sent her over to grandpa's for the evening so that Kurt and I could hang the wallpaper border in her room (it's about time!). We also decided to rearrange the furniture now that we'll be running the heat in there. So then we go get Mary, and she ends up falling asleep in Kurt's arms downstairs. He takes her, still sleeping, and lays her down in her crib. Fast forward to the next morning. I walk in her room to wake her up and she's just standing there, bewildered by the fact that everthing looks different than how she remembers it from the day before. Then I notice her stroking the wallpaper border (which has cute little farm animals on it) and saying over and over again, "Cow....cow....cow..."

Too funny!

Anyway, that's the update on us. Mary's still cooky and her mom and dad aren't far behind. :)

Monday, September 17, 2007

She'll eat when she's hungy

Feeding Mary is a constant struggle. She never, NEVER wants to eat. I know she's maintaining a healthy weight and that her growth is consistant, but I still feel like a horrible mother when she picks at her food like a bird.

The funny thing is...she'll go for days eating hardly anything and then all of a sudden have a GREAT eating day. I love those days. She'll eat anything I put in front of her, the highchair isn't a struggle, and I don't have to FIGHT with her over food. One more time....I LOVE those days! I took pictures on one of those "good eater" days recently:

Here she is eating a piece of licorice that she got out of the cupboard all by herself (boy was I surprised to walk around the corner and see her with it in her mouth)!
And then later-on she took a stab at some spaghetti with a big-girl fork!
And to top off the day daddy let her munch on a few oreos just so mama would cringe at the thought of the mess everywhere!
What a silly girl!

the best vacation EVER

So over the labor day weekend our little family packed up the mini-van (I should use the term "packed" lightly - it was more like cramming or stuffing to the brim) and headed westward. South Dakota was our destination, Interstate 90 was our route, and the trusty Ford Freestar was our chariot.

What's that you say? South Dakota is boring? South Dakota is a snooze? South Dakota is not a vacation destination? Well...let me tell are one wrong puppy if this is your response. We had a BLAST!

The whole trip was very Griswold Family Vacation - we packed our own sandwiches, slept in a tent or cheap (CHEAP) motels, and spent as little money as possible. But let me tell you, it was so darn fun!

We saw a ton - the Corn Palace in Mitchell, Mount Rushmore, Rapid City, the Badlands, the Black Hills, Custer State Park...I could go on and on. There's a ton to do and we barely scraped the surface. We had a great time watching the landscape change from the bluffs of our hometown, to the cornfields of western Minnesota, to the rolling prairie, to the desert in the badlands, to the dramatic Black Hills. We saw tons of wildlife, did lots of cheesy family activities, and just enjoyed our little family. Mary was a dream and barely fussed at all (even though we spent almost 40 hours in our vehicle in a matter of 5 days).

Kurt and I kept getting excited and talking about future family car trips...seriously, it's the way to go.

Anyway, here's some fun pics from our trip. Enjoy!

Friday, September 7, 2007

43 always was my favorite number

So on the drive back from South Dakota ( a little family vacation last week...I"ll blog about it soon). Kurt and I became bored and started to count all the words that Mary knows. Now, she can repeat just about any word you ask her....but these are words that she'll say on her own, unprompted. Basically, we've got a genius on our hands (is that Mom-bragging coming out?). :) I seriously do think that she's too smart for her own good...freaks me out some days. Anyways, if you have nothing better to do...check out all the words that Mary knows!

  1. Book (she loves to read)
  2. Hello (such a social butterfly)
  3. Hi
  4. Buh-Bye
  5. Wow
  6. Cow (driving through South Dakota we heard this word a LOT...."cow"....."cow"...."yes, Mary that's a cow"....."cow"....etc.)
  7. Duck (mostly "duckie)
  8. Puppy (loves her puppies)
  9. Clayton (is it weird for her to be THAT obsessed with her cousin?)
  10. Dadda
  11. Mommy (melts my heart)
  12. Milk (sounds like "milky")
  13. Nice (this what she says when she knows she's been's a beginners apology)
  14. Mine
  15. NO! (hear this a lot)
  16. One ("How old is Mary?")
  17. Bath
  18. Copper
  19. Jack
  20. Cracker
  21. Cookie
  22. Kitty
  23. Baby (We're trying to really talk a lot about babies at our house, in the event that we are chosen in the near future. Every night we have Mary put her babies to bed in a little cradle. It starts out sweet with a kiss and then she lifts them over her head and SLAMS them into the bed. It kinda scares me!)
  24. Binkey (When she wants her pacifier she'll just repeat this word non-stop: Binkeybinkeybinkeybinkeybinkey! Kids are weird)
  25. Potty
  26. Up
  27. Down
  28. Night-night
  29. Happy
  30. Sad
  31. Mary (it sounds like this: "Meme" Very cute!)
  32. Owie
  33. Buckle (She's obsessed with buckles lately...can't get enough of them)
  34. Diaper
  35. Okay (I must say this a lot because she just started picking up on it. She uses it very conversationally. "Mary let's go outside, okay?" "Okay!")
  36. All-done (Comes out like this "All-dumb" cracks me up everytime I hear it)
  37. Hooray (As in..."if you're happy and you know it shout Hooray!")
  38. Meow
  39. Beep-beep
  40. Nay (is that how you spell the sound that a horse makes?)
  41. Moo
  42. Roar!
  43. Nana (for banana AND for grandma!)

And she also does some random other animal noises but I thought I'd stop at 43 because...after all...that IS my favorite number.

Can you believe this kid!!?

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


So it's no surprise to anyone that my little Mary is sporting some pretty fabulous curls on her head. I love them, I adore them....I seriously think they're just so. darn. cute. And, evidently, so does the general public. Everywhere we go we get comments on "those curls." People love to talk about her crazy hair and how adorable it is.

This morning was no different. I had to get an oil change so Mary and I dropped off the minivan and walked to McDonalds for a coffee and some breakfast while we waited. As I ordered my McGriddle this old, grandmotherly woman took my money. She, of course, commented on Mary.

"Oh my...isn't she just darling? How cute is she?!?!? And those me, are they natural?"

Huh?!?! Are they natural? I was just so confused? Did she think we permed her hair? Or that it was a wig? What does that mean, "are they natural"? Bewildered I just muttered "yes" to which she responded, "You know, I thought so!"

Weird, weird people.

Monday, August 13, 2007

two years

Two years ago today I married the man of my dreams.

Two years ago today (probably at this very moment) I slow-danced underneath shining twinkle lights, staring into my new husbands eyes.

Two years ago today I took my vows in front of my closest family and friends, promising to love my best friend eternally.

Two years ago today I began my life, my future, my forever.

What a whirlwind two year journey we've had. What a wide open road we have in front of us.

I love you, baby. Thank you for making me the happies woman in the world.

Quicker than I had thought.

So Baby 2 is progressing much faster than I thought he/she would. Again, NO I have not been chosen, placed, or anything like that. However, evidently, they roll out the red carpet for you when you've adopted through an agency before.

About one day after writing the last post about "Baby 2" I decided to call Bethany (our agency) just to see how things were progressing, did they have everything they needed for our formal application, and when should we start setting up the 3 meetings that comprise a "home study."

This is the response I got, "Oh...well....we're still missing a couple forms (background checks, etc.) but those forms shouldn't really hold us up. You know what, why don't we go ahead and start scheduling the homestudy. And since you guys have done this before, we're really just updating things. Let's condense it all into one meeting. How does next Tuesday work?"


In my head I'm thinking, "Woah....really? NEXT tuesday?"

Yes, really.

Evidently, God wants us to speed some things up. So we had our homestudy on August 7th. Our social worker (also the Branch Director....lucky us!) was fabulous and she knows several of the people we worked with in Iowa. We talked for nearly 4 hours, had pizza, and just enjoyed ourselves! It was great. Mary was a stinker and wouldn't nap, but aside from that it was such smooth sailing.

And so now I just need to get my act together and finish these profiles (the scrapbooks that birthmothers view to get to know a waiting family) so that we can be...officially waiting. surreal. So awesome. So exciting!

Friday, July 27, 2007

Baby 2

"Baby 2"

This is the term Kurt and I have, affectionately, given to our next little baby.

And that little baby, is in the works. Sort of.

Now don't get excited, we haven't been matched or gotten a call or anything. We've just....begun the process. We actually began a few months ago, but for some reason I didn't feel the urge to blog about it yet. It still feels weird to blog about it. Surreal, actually.

Officially, we've completed our formal application and will proceed with the homestudy in the next few weeks. My guess is that we'll be actually "waiting" at the end of summer/beginning of fall. And's in God's hands.

I predict it could take longer this time, to get matched. We're going with Bethany Christian Services again, of Minnesota this time. The MN branch doesn't seem to have the same activity that the Iowa branch did. Plus birthmothers typically prefer to place with a childless couple. These factors, combined, make me think it could be awhile before we're a family of four. And I'm okay with that, I'm okay with whatever. I'm just along for the ride.

My heart is ready for another baby. Mary is so not an infant anymore! It will be good for her to have a little brother or sister as she's very spoiled with my attention all on her. Kurt is itching to hold a newborn again. We both have dreams of a big family and, in order to have that, we need to get the ball rolling again.

We're going into this so differently than last time. Less naiive, more sensitive to birthparents, more demanding of ethical and fair practices, more cautious....

....but at the same time, this tiny place inside of me is jumping up and down with excitement. Ready to grow my family, ready to hold my new little one, ready give my heart to a child all over again.

My new venture...

Well, I've already announced it in real I suppose I might as well announce it in my virtual world too.

I'm starting a business. Let me rephrase that, I've already started a business. I'm now the head cheese of Capturing Moments Photography. I even have a website to prove it:

Check it out and let me know if I can be of service to you, photographically speaking. Also, if you have a website and wouldn't mind - I'd love if you put a link to my site on yours. It helps spread the word and makes my business comes up on search engines more frequently. At least that's what google tells me.

I'd love to hear any feedback you have! Thanks!

Monday, July 16, 2007

get it together!

Mary is almost 14 months old.

Today she is wearing a size 18 months skirt and a size 6-9 months onesie.

And both fit perfectly.

Go figure.

Clothing all need to get it together!

Friday, July 13, 2007


We started swim lessons this past week. At first I wasn't sure if we were doing it for Mary's sake or mom's sake. I mean...what can a one year old really learn at swim lessons, right?

Turns out, they've been fairly good for her. Although Mary loves the tub, she's a fraidy-cat when it comes to pools. It took ten minutes for her to walk up to her knees on the first day (it's a zero depth pool). It took twenty minutes for her to force out a smile.

The next day was better (5 minutes). And the next even better (3.5 minutes).

Hey maybe by the end of next week I'll have a future olympic swimmer on my hands?


I don't know if it's because she knows she wants something but just can't say the words or what her problem is but Mary is one big whiner lately. Seriously! Whine, whine, whine.

"Mary what do you want?"

(whine whine whine)

"Do you want to get up?"

(whine whine...."up")

So I pick her up.

(whine whine whine)

"Do you want to get down?"

(whine whine "DOOOOOWN!") she is fairly dramatic afterall.

So I put her down.

(whine whine whine)

And the cycle continues. Any suggestions?

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

As if there was ever any doubt...

Last a nutshell...describes exactly why we felt the call to move up here.

I stopped by my parents store in the afternoon to grab some sweetcorn and other fresh goodies. As soon as I walked in, mom scooped Mary up and began showing her off to anyone who was willing to listen. After finishing up there I came back home where 'grandpa' was working outside. He stopped to play with Mary for a bit when up the driveway comes Uncle Tim and the twins. Of course the boys promptly mauled Mary over (not that she was complaining) and they all proceeded to giggle and run in the grass for a bit.

After they left, Kurt came home from work. We ate our sweet corn outside, sitting on the picnic table while the dogs ran around the yard. After finishing the tasty supper, we (Kurt, Mary and I) went for a family four-wheeler ride down to the pond and through a new trail that my dad had cleared. We enjoyed watching two young deer chase each other round and round. On the way back up I noticed some black-cap bushes and while Kurt gave Mary a bath I ran back out to pick a bowl-full.

After putting Mary to bed, Kurt and I sat on the couch and munched on berries (that I picked) and peaches (from my folks store) and just talked about how good life here is.

I just feel so blessed. So very, very blessed.

Monday, June 25, 2007

daddy's day

We spent father's day weekend doing (what else?) camping!!! Kurt and my brother in law Tim set up camp just outside of town and we spent the weekend relaxing and enjoying the warm weather. Mary surprised us with the very best Father's Day gift ever...she slept in until 8:15 that morning! YES!!!

Daddy and Mary snuggling under the awning of the camper.

Mary and Kurt take a dip in the kiddie pool (a birthday gift from Aunt Sarah)

I love this pic of Clayton and his daddy Tim.

Look at this cheeseball just loving the swings! She cracks me up!

the new mom

Did I tell you about the shirt Kurt made me wear for Mother's Day? He's such a nerd. Between the t-shirt, the corasage, and my new "mom" necklace I felt like I should have a neon sign blinking "MOTHER'S DAY" over my head!

Who am I kidding? I'm an attention junkie, I totally loved it.

Me, Mary, and my t-shirt on Mother's Day

3 generations of mothers: my grandma, my mom, and my sister Stacy and I with our kids

Seriously, do they get cuter than this? Mary with her cousins Christian and Clayton.

The Birthday Wrap Up

Mary's party was already a month ago! Man oh man...time flies. We had a blast camping and enjoyed just being all together for a nice long weekend. Mary got so many thoughtful gifts...more toys than any little girl ever needs!
She was a bit hesitant with her cake at first. I wanted her to just go hog wild, but it took awhile for her to warm up to it. Once we gave her a spoon she began 'attacking' it and had a blast with that. Soon enough...cake was everywhere. That's my girl. :)
And of course we took pictures to prove it:

Not sure what to think about this cake thing...

Hey this spoon is pretty cool...maybe I'll go nutso on my cake with it!

Mmmm....Mary likey.

a funny

For the many who have already heard this story a billion times...I apologize. I just think it's so darn funny.

A few weeks ago Kurt was going to the bathroom and he left the door open (come on - we all do it in our own homes!). Sure enough, little Mary comes toddling in.

She's hitting his calves when he says, "Mary - no no! Mary get away! Mary...that's daddy's private part."

Right on cue she loudly exclaims. "WOW!!!"

I literally didn't stop laughing for 10 minutes.

When it's been too long

The hard part of blogging is...well...keeping up. And sometimes too much time slips by and then you have a billion and one things to blog about. The funny thing is, you sit down at the computer and you've got so much to say but no idea on where to begin. Hence...lots of little blogs for your reading enjoyment.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Happy 'special day' Mary!

One year ago today...this little tiny pink bundle jumped into our lives and forever changed our world. In fact, this morning she woke us up at 6 AM crying to remind us just how much she has impacted out lives! We actually had a really nice morning...the whole family in bed. We retold Mary the story of her 'special day'...the day we first met her:

An interesting turn of events... :)
Oh my...where do I even begin this post? For starters, let me say the most important part: Kurt and I are parents!!! Yep, that's right...we're parents!!!

As I sit and type this Kurt is upstairs holding our sleeing, beautiful baby girl, Mary Emma Grace Hoeger. Today she is 10 days old (born May 22 at 6:01 AM). She is a tiny, little peanut and came into this world weighing only 6.1 lbs and measuring 18 1/4 inches.

So, now that I've dropped the bombshell, let me back track and tell you how this sweet little girl became a Hoeger.

Thursday, May 25th
Last Thursday was just about as ordinary of a day as they come. Kurt and I got ready and headed off to work. We ran late, which made me a bit crabby. I even told Kurt, "you know - today I have a lot of really important things on my plate" (referring, of course, to things happening at work). The morning proceeded as normal - running around trying to get lots of things done. Kurt and I were also trying to figure out how we would manage to get all of prep work done to spend the entire memorial day weekend camping with friends. We were making mental lists of groceries to buy and supplies to pack. Overall - we were running at full speed.

At about lunch time Kurt and I were talking on the phone, trying to plan an upcoming vacation to Montana (I'll be attending a conference out there in July, so we thought we'd go early and make it into a getaway for the two of us). We were arranging flights and deciding on accomodations, everything was nearly set. Just before we were to decide which type of car we'd rent, Kurt got another call on his cell-phone. He was sure it was a work call and said he better take it. I told him just to let it go to voicemail, "we need to get this arranged before my credit card information times out on the website." He let the call go, I pushed send - and poof, through the magic of the information superhighway we were destined for Montana. :) We said our goodbyes and that was that.

Until a few minutes later I get a call from Carol (our social worker at Bethany Christian Services). I could hardly believe when she told me the news, "Tammy, I just tried calling Kurt (that was her calling through when I told Kurt not to take the call)....I have news for you. There is a 3 day old baby girl waiting in Des Moines for you...come pick her up right away!" I was body turned numb. This, I thought, this is what God had in the works us for us. Clearly...THIS is our baby.

Kurt and I finally got through to each other. He was already in the car heading to my work. "Let's go to Des Moines and get our baby!" We rejoiced together! Of course, however, there were some small details to take care of first. I had to call travelocity and beg to cancel our tickets we had purchased seconds earlier(the darnest situation, huh?). Thankfully they were kind enough to reemburse us fully. I also had to arrange some things at work (remember the 'big day' I talked about earlier...I had lots on my plate for the afternoon!). Fortunate for me, I work in a wonderful office with great people who celebrated with me and assured me that everything would get taken care of. I must admit that Kurt and I felt a bit like celebrities as we walked out of my office together. All my supportive coworkers were lined up smiling and waving! :)

So then we hopped in the car to rush to Des Moines...time to meet our baby. We drove too fast and prayed a lot along the way. I don't think it really set it what was actually happening. Reality hit soon enough as we pulled up to the Bethany office in Des Moines. We had to wait outside briefly, but were then ushered into the room where we met our precious little angel and her birthmother, Shawna. Shawna was very calm and she walked right up to me and placed Mary in my arms. She hugged me, she hugged Kurt, she said, "you look like good people, i bet you'll do a really good job." She hugged me again and I prayed over her. After we finished hugging she kissed Mary on the cheek, told her she loved her, and walked out. It was so quick. Quicker than I ever imagined.

When she left the room...Kurt and I just stared at each other. Oh my goodness...this is our daughter! We cried and held each other. Little Mary just slept peacefully. It was a moment I'll never forget.

A few hours later, after some appropriate legal work was signed...we were off for home! Thankfully Kurt's sister Traci was able to bring us a car seat to use (obviously we didn't have ours with us!). The ride from Des Moines to our house seemed to take forever. We just couldn't wait to get our little peanut home!

Which brings me to the present. Here we big happy family. Mary is a great baby - not fussy at all. She loves to be held and makes these sweet little faces when she's awake and feeling lively. She's eating a lot and gained 8 oz. over the weekend (The Hoegers know how to fatten someone right up!). I don't sleep much as she gets up every two or three hours. I don't mind though...I just kick back and watch a little "Mary TV" (a term I use for my new favorite activity...staring at my daughter for hours on end). We've had loads of visitors and everyone agrees with me...she is darn cute! I'll post some pictures so you can see so for yourself :)

On that note...I should probably run. I hear Mary fussing and I ought to go fix another bottle. Time for some more Mary TV.

God is so good and we owe all we have to Him! Praise His name!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday sweet baby Mary!!!!

I can't believe you're one already. I love you more than words can express.


The best mother's day present....ever

Before I begin this post, I want to give a shout out to my wonderful hubby Kurt. He's so thoughtful, caring, affectionate and he's madly in love with me and our daughter. He was so sweet to me on Mother's Day and woke me with a sweet card and a beautiful necklace. But that wasn't the best mother's day present I received.

The best mother's day present came two days later on Tuesday at about noon. It came right in the middle of feeding Mary lunch. The doorbell rang and by the time I got to the door, I could see the postwoman driving away. Looking down at my feet I noticed the package she left behind. Excitedly, I picked it up....I love getting packages. But then I saw who it was from...and I went numb.

The package was from Mary's birthmother, Shawna. A woman I've thought about every single day since we last saw her on May 25th, 2006 (the day we were placed with Mary). A woman who I feared we would never hear from again.

We sent letters every month to Bethany for her to pick up but she never retrieved them. We hoped, we prayed, we wished that she might reach out to us. And finally, two months ago...we broke the rules.

I found Shawna's address on a piece of paperwork given to us at placement. I knew what I had to do. I wrote her a letter and begged her to send a picture and some words for Mary. I wanted to let her know how much we value her role in Mary's important she was. "Please...please...write us back."

Then nothing happened. For two...whole...months. I gave up. I became frustrated. I was even...inapropriately...angry.

Then last Tuesday the answer to my prayers happened. Words can't describe the joy I felt on realizing who the package was from. "MARY!!!" I screamed, "It's from your birthmom!"

I ran back to the highchair and sobbed as I read though the letters inside. Letters to me, to Kurt, to Mary. She included the hospital bracelets belonging to both her and Mary. She even put together a photo album with Mary's birth story. Pictures from before we even met Mary (at the hospital, etc.). There were even pictures of Shawna as a baby and growing up. Man she looked like Mary. It's unreal how much the look alike.

I cried such fat tears. Tears of joy for reconnecting with this woman who is so important to my daughter. Tears of sorrow at her pain and love for Mary. Bittersweet tears at the sad joy that is adoption.

Through my tears I looked up at my sweet baby girl. In perfect timing, she cocked her head sideways and softly muttered, "mom."

Oh yes, babygirl. This was from your mom.

Since then we've sent Shawna a package and also received another letter and a birthday card for Mary. In her letter she was so sweet to write, "tammy I was thinking of you on Mother's day...hoping that your first was good." Wow. Talk about being humbled. She was thinking of me?!?!?

No. On Mother's day I was thinking of her. I was sitting in a church holding my daughter on my lap and praying that God would keep this woman in His watch and maybe....MAYBE....move her heart to be able to reach out and connect with us.

God must have been smiling a knowing smile at that moment. The package was alreadyin the mail.

Yes indeed, the best mother's day gift ever.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

these boots are made for walking...

I've been a slacker and haven't blogged about this yet (silly mamma). About a week ago Mary took her first step!!! Then, very early the next morning, her dad had the privilege of watching her take 4 steps in a row. I was so happy for him to be able to see this and to experience this by himself. Later that day she took 7 steps in a row! What a stud!

One would think she'd be off and running a week later right? Not so much. She basically hasn't done anything since then besides a half step here and a half step there. She cracks me up.

She did say "Copper" the other day while pointing to him. Copper is our golden retriever. Kurt and I have always favored our black lab (Jack) over Copper (bad puppy parents...playing favorites). It's funny how Mary has her own favorites!

Random post, I know.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

i AM the ugly face

Others had wondered it, some had questioned it, but today I realized it for myself. I - AM- the ugly face (see previous post from 4.30.07 for explanation).

Mary had woken up from her nap so I went to go grab her. She was crying and fussing and a good look in the mirror always makes her smile (conceited much?). She just thinks it's so funny to see herself.

So over to the mirror we went. We made faces. We pointed. We laughed. And then, I saw it.

Here we were - mother and daughter but not by blood - making the EXACT same face as we giggled. Both of us scrunching up our nose and showing our big top gums as we laughed at something silly. Both of us making 'the ugly face.'

Nature vs. nurture...who knows?

All I can say is at that moment I felt a different type of closeness with her. One like I've never felt before.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

One year ago

One year ago today, we woke up believing that this was the day we would become parents.

One year ago today, the first birthmother with whom we were matched was scheduled for an induction.

One year ago today, that birthmother forgot to call and reserve a bed in the hospital which lead us to believe we would have to wait "one more day."

One year ago today, we went hiking and mushroom hunting because going back to work after finding out about the delay seemed so anticlimactic.

One year ago today, that birthmother went on to deliver naturally during the afternoon.

One year ago today, she had a baby girl.

One year ago today, she decided to parent that baby girl.

One year ago tomorrow, we found out about that decision.

One year ago tomorrow, we grieved and mourned and grew together as a couple in a way we never imagined.

One year ago today, another woman expecting a different little girl was three weeks from delivering. That little girl would become our baby Mary.

It's amazing what a difference a year makes. I was in the middle of a Wal-Mart run tonight when I remembered what "today" was. On remembering, I was struck with a flurry of emotions. I hurt to remember the pain that Kurt and I felt one year ago tomorrow. I was saddened to think of the angst and confusion that birthmother must have been feeling after she delivered her baby girl but before she made her decision to parent. I was embarassed to think of some of the thoughts I had and words I said upon experiencing a failed match. I was proud to think of all the ways that I've grown in the past year...of how much I've learned about ethical adoption. I was overwhelmed with thanksgiving on how our adoption journey turned that we call Mary our daughter today. At the same time, I was still sad about that first little girl. For the few weeks that I knew about her before she was born, I really grew to love her. And that love doesn't just dissapear. This doesn't negate my love for Mary in any way shape or form. It's just all part of the story of my life. It's all part of my journey in motherhood.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Happy Campers

For those of you that know Kurt and I, you know that camping is our passion. We bought our first tent just months into our relationship, our first pop-up camper the year we were engaged, and we purchased our travel trailer on the day that Mary was born. We. love. camping.

So this weekend was absolutely beautiful and we decided it was time to break out the campers. We spent the weekend at a state park just a few miles from here with my sister Stacy, her husband, and their twin boys. It was such a great time. Mary just loves being around her cousins, Clayton in particular. Those two just 'get' each other. They laugh so hard together and have a blast screaming and being silly. They roll around, Clayton gives Mary hugs and kisses, and, in general, they can't get enough of each other. It was great to see them having such fun.

On the first night there we went for a walk around the campground. Because we were camping, we HAD to bring along some beverages and we tossed a couple cans of Bud Lite into the wagon. Imagine our surprise when we look back and Clayton and Mary are "drinking" the UNOPENED cans of Bud Lite! It was too funny! I think Mary just enjoyed the cold feeling of the can on her gums and since Mary was doing it...Clayton had to join in as well!

And for those of you that missed it before...the cans are unopened!

I also picked up a fun garage sale toy for Mary. This Radio Flyer "bike" is the perfect size for her and she loves to honk the horn. The best part..only ten bucks!

Sooooooooo tired!

Mary is in the process of weaning herself from two naps per day down to one nap per day. I was actually sort of sad when I realized this was happening. I rather enjoy those few moments when she's resting in her crib and I can get some things done without chasing after her! Not to mention that this is throwing off my daily schedule (says the ridiculous type-A mom)!

The whole process of going down to one nap is so confusing for her. She fights sleep constantly and ends up so, so, so tired. She can't decide if she's a morning napper or an afternoon napper (and somedays it's still both). All this craziness lead to her first highchair nap experience. I was literally in the middle of feeding her when I looked up and realized, "oh my gosh...she's asleep!" After giggling to myself, I whipped out the camera to snap a few shots.

Would you believe that she even continued to sleep as I took pictures, got her out of the highchair, changed a dirty diaper, and put her in the crib???? What a weirdo!


Lately I've been trying to be better about letting Mary 'roam free' a bit and not have her caged (i.e. in the exersaucer or playpen) or in my arms 24-7. It can be tempting to just shelter her from EVERYTHING so that I can go about my day faster and more efficiently, however I know that I need to just let her stretch her legs every once in a while too.

Well, last week I was doing just that when it dawned on me - "hey, I haven't seen her for a few minutes...I wonder where she is?" So I look. And I look and I look and I look. And where do I find Miss Mary?

In the bathroom...

With toilet paper....

Strewn e-v-e-r-y-w-h-e-r-e!

Rather than get mad....I whipped out the camera. Sometimes you just have to laugh.

In this pic, she knew she was totally busted!

I love this one because she was so frustrated that the TP was all gone!! certainly is humbling! :)

The Ugly Face

Before I begin explaining the title of this post, let me first say that I AM a good mom, I DO think my daughter is the most beautiful thing ever created, and I WILL nurture a strong self-esteem within her.

Now...that being said. You can look at the photo below to gain a front-seat look at what Kurt and I have dubbed, "the ugly face."

Yes...that's Mary's ugly face. She started doing this about a week ago. Whenever she's excited or pleased she makes this odd...ODD face. She used to have this adorable smile (seriously - drop dead gorgeous). However lately she must have discovered some new facial muscles because she looooooves to scrunch up her nose, curl up her lips, and expose this monstrous upper gum of hers. It's absolutely HILARIOUS! We're so used to calling it "the ugly face" that we've actually forgotten that it's not socially acceptable to call your child...ugly. This has lead to some embarassing moments in public. :)

Anyway...just thought I'd share this pic of my girl!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Suburban Housewife? Yes, I am.

Yes, folks. I have officially earned the title. I am a housewife...and I have a minivan to prove it. Last week we traded in Kurt's truck and my old car for a Ford Freestar. It has remote sliding doors and dual control heat in front (two MUSTS in my book) and I simply adore it! Kurt has a work truck that he can use for personal use, so it would've been silly to keep the extra vehicles around. Even with logic on my side, poor Kurt was saaaaad to see his truck go. You can see him saying his final goodbyes below (thumbs down) and then me with my stylin new mommy-ride (thumbs up)! So now I've got the kid, I'm a stay at home, I drive a minivan....does this mean the super short hair cut is next!?!?!?! Lord, I hope not!

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Putting myself out there

So being a new stay-at-home mom, contrary to popular belief, does not leave me with a glowing social calander. Most days are filled with primary colored toys, baby food jars, and some cartoons. Every once in a while we turn up the i-Pod and do a rousing rendition of "this little light of mine" but mostly it's pretty tame around here.

However, seeing as I am a bit of an extrovert, there are times when I find myself missing the social scene. We're in a new place, in a new (new all over again) town, and in a new job (where my daughter is my 'boss'). To be blunt, Kurt and I are totally on the friend hunt. Nerds? Yes, we are.

So, as we are on the friend hunt, I've been doing all I can to put myself out there. I joined MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) and have met some nice moms there. We went out to dinner with some coworkers of Kurts. I even answered an ad on where a new mom was looking to have coffee with other stay at home moms. Actually turned out to be a good experience (yeah bravery!). Most recently (yesterday) I attended my first "Baby and Me" class. It was such a blast! Everyone there had babies under 12 months and we just played, sang songs, talked about mom stuff, etc. I was so glad I went! And don't kid yourself...I totally scoped the room out for potential friends. A girl needs her amigas!

Helping me on my friend hunt is my crazy daughter. Mary has developed quite the little personality and lately she loves to beller out this big, fake laugh whenever she can - just to steal the spotlight (imagine that...the daughter of Kurt and I wanting to be the center of attention!?!). Well whenever I'm in MOPS or Baby and Me, she finds just the right moment to let our her laugh. It's like she understands 'grown up conversation' and just wants to add her two cents. She literally has all the other moms in stitches from laughter (me too!). I have to admit, I secretly love her bold nature. She's just this unabashed little person...and I'm proud to call her mine.

Anyways, so I'm doing what I can to put myself out there. Hoping to meet some new people and grow some roots in our new place. And so's working.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Welcome to the our new digs!!!

Welcome to the new blog, friends!!! :) I guess it's rather fitting that I would move my blog to a new place NOW, considering we just had the big move to MN in real life. We're just moving all over the place, eh?

Hopefully this new site will be more user friendly, easier to navigate, and allow me to post more pics, etc. Any which way...welcome...glad you could stop by.

Don't forget to check back in every once in a while, you hear? :)