Monday, June 25, 2007

daddy's day

We spent father's day weekend doing (what else?) camping!!! Kurt and my brother in law Tim set up camp just outside of town and we spent the weekend relaxing and enjoying the warm weather. Mary surprised us with the very best Father's Day gift ever...she slept in until 8:15 that morning! YES!!!

Daddy and Mary snuggling under the awning of the camper.

Mary and Kurt take a dip in the kiddie pool (a birthday gift from Aunt Sarah)

I love this pic of Clayton and his daddy Tim.

Look at this cheeseball just loving the swings! She cracks me up!

the new mom

Did I tell you about the shirt Kurt made me wear for Mother's Day? He's such a nerd. Between the t-shirt, the corasage, and my new "mom" necklace I felt like I should have a neon sign blinking "MOTHER'S DAY" over my head!

Who am I kidding? I'm an attention junkie, I totally loved it.

Me, Mary, and my t-shirt on Mother's Day

3 generations of mothers: my grandma, my mom, and my sister Stacy and I with our kids

Seriously, do they get cuter than this? Mary with her cousins Christian and Clayton.

The Birthday Wrap Up

Mary's party was already a month ago! Man oh man...time flies. We had a blast camping and enjoyed just being all together for a nice long weekend. Mary got so many thoughtful gifts...more toys than any little girl ever needs!
She was a bit hesitant with her cake at first. I wanted her to just go hog wild, but it took awhile for her to warm up to it. Once we gave her a spoon she began 'attacking' it and had a blast with that. Soon enough...cake was everywhere. That's my girl. :)
And of course we took pictures to prove it:

Not sure what to think about this cake thing...

Hey this spoon is pretty cool...maybe I'll go nutso on my cake with it!

Mmmm....Mary likey.

a funny

For the many who have already heard this story a billion times...I apologize. I just think it's so darn funny.

A few weeks ago Kurt was going to the bathroom and he left the door open (come on - we all do it in our own homes!). Sure enough, little Mary comes toddling in.

She's hitting his calves when he says, "Mary - no no! Mary get away! Mary...that's daddy's private part."

Right on cue she loudly exclaims. "WOW!!!"

I literally didn't stop laughing for 10 minutes.

When it's been too long

The hard part of blogging is...well...keeping up. And sometimes too much time slips by and then you have a billion and one things to blog about. The funny thing is, you sit down at the computer and you've got so much to say but no idea on where to begin. Hence...lots of little blogs for your reading enjoyment.