Friday, October 19, 2007

Morning surprise

You know how it is when you first wake up in the morning. You can't really see yet and you sorta stumble for a minute or two before your body is actually with it. Well, it is in those half awake moments when I greet my early riser daughter.

Yesterday morning was no exception. She fussed, I woke, she beckoned, I went to get her from her crib.

I walk in, still dazed, and greeted her. She seemed to be preoccupied with her finger. Holding it out, staring at it, pointing to it. In Mary-speak, this normally means she has an owie. I figured it was a hangnail or something of the sort.

I obliged her, saying, "Oh sweetie...does Mary have an owie? Momma kiss it? Momma make it better?"

This must have been what she was hoping for because she instantly stuck her owied finger up to me, so that I could give it a peck with my healing mama-magic.

And so I did. In my sleepy haze, I leaned down and touched my lips to her sweet little finger.

And it was at that moment that I felt the monstrous, wet booger that had been residing on the end of her fingertip attach itself to my mouth.

And so begins another day in this crazy life of mine.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Bad blogger...

Man, I've been bad at keeping up with this lately. The problem is that I think of about 37 different blog topics a day...and then they just never seem to make it to the computer screen. Ah well....

All is good here. I've been very busy with the business which is fun (who wouldn't love getting paid to take pictures of cute little munchkins?) but tiring as well. I'm actually quite excited as I look ahead to next week when I have no appointments. Time for some quality mother-daughter bonding, I think.

Mary is good. She still knocks my socks off with her braininess. The other day she was walking around the house going like this:

"Blhhdhd" (pretend that's a stick your tongue out and spit noise)
"Bless you"
"Bless you"
"Bless you"
"Bless you"

She's such a nerd! I can't help but laugh at her.

Whenever we go over to her grandma's (which is pretty much daily) she busts through the door and yells, "SURPRISE!"

Such a grand entrance! Taking after her mother, perhaps? :)

The other day we sent her over to grandpa's for the evening so that Kurt and I could hang the wallpaper border in her room (it's about time!). We also decided to rearrange the furniture now that we'll be running the heat in there. So then we go get Mary, and she ends up falling asleep in Kurt's arms downstairs. He takes her, still sleeping, and lays her down in her crib. Fast forward to the next morning. I walk in her room to wake her up and she's just standing there, bewildered by the fact that everthing looks different than how she remembers it from the day before. Then I notice her stroking the wallpaper border (which has cute little farm animals on it) and saying over and over again, "Cow....cow....cow..."

Too funny!

Anyway, that's the update on us. Mary's still cooky and her mom and dad aren't far behind. :)