Monday, February 25, 2008


If this doesn't make your heart melt, I'm not sure anything could.

Seriously folks - this is my heart for all to see. I would do anything for these girls. Anything. I get a lump in my throat just looking at this picture. I never knew a love that felt like this before. Unconditional, ferocious, overwhelming love.

These are MY valentines.

beautiful baby girl

Oh my little're growing too fast.

my three favorite people

because she deserves some face time too...

I realized that my posts have been sorta "Ella heavy" lately and so I wanted to give some face time to Mary! Below are some of my favorite new pics of her:

For what seems like FOREVER I've been thinking about and waiting for the moment when I had a little daughter who could wear bows in her hair. I adore bows. Seriously, love them. Specifically - these kind of bows. The ones that have a tons of strips of tulle and just look like a big pom-pom. I couldn't WAIT until these fit in Mary's hair. Well last Sunday my wish came true. Look how DARN cute she is! How funny is she tromping around in her mom's big shoes? I swear I have the same picture from the same age in the same kitchen (as I grew up in this house) doing the same darn thing. I should go dig it up. This girl cracks me up!
She is MIGHTY proud of those big girl underwear that she's sporting! Although we don't wear them every day (depends on my motivation and her cooperation) we do sport lots of pull-ups lately too. She's GROWING up!

the long version (finally!)

If it seems as though I've dropped off the face of the earth's because I have! Good gravy it's a lot of work with two kids! Don't get me wrong...I wouldn't trade it for the world. It's just veeeeeery busy around these parts.

Anyway....about a thousand years ago I promised the long version of the story. Today...I'm delivering. Here goes:

It was somewhere in the beginning of January when we first became aware of the possibility of Ella. Our social worker e-mailed us to say that there was a birthmother out in Maryland (who was originally from Minnesota and planned on returning here) looking to place with a MN family. She was due on Valentine's Day and the gender was unknown. Were we interested in being chosen? Let me think about, yep!

So we had out profile sent out to the east coast (along with something like 20 other MN waiting families). We figured our odds were slim and so we decided not to hold out breath. We put the whole idea of it on that back burner.

Fast forward to January 11th. This was a Friday and were told that it was on that day that the birthmom would be viewing the profiles. Obviously it was on out mind all weekend long. We went away for Kurt's work party that weekend and when we returned we walked in the door to see that my cousin (who had borrowed our bassinett for the time being) had returned the baby bed. Did you catch that? We walked in the door to find an empty cradle staring us in the face. I looked up, laughed, and bantered, "God - you better not be playing with me!"

The next day, Monday, we found out that our profile was one of four that the birthmom had taken home over the weekend to pray about. OH MY! This was getting serious! We still declined to share much of anything with family and friends, believing that we simply couldn't be this lucky. So we waited to hear. And waited. And waited, and waited, and waited.

Finally, on Thursday January 17th (at 4:30 PM), my phone rang. It was our social worker. Her tone and greeting lead me to believe this was a "too bad, so sad" call. Boy was I wrong! I asked her to repeat herself after she told me, "you've been chosen!"

Tears. Disbelief. A slight bit of panic. Lots of joy.

I got off the phone and tried to reach Kurt (who was out chopping wood). After 3 tries, I gave up. I turned toward Mary (still crying) and scooped her up in a giant hug. "MARY (I screamed) do you want to be a big sister?!?!?" I got a very prompt and loud, "NO!" This would be a theme throughout Ella's first few weeks. :)

Finally I got ahold of Kurt. More tears. More disbelief. More joy.

We invited my family over for dinner to share the news. Everyone was VERY excited.

Throughout the following week I got a few things ready, but not too much. Part of me was still certain that this couldn't all work out in our favor.

On the morning of January 24th Mary and I walked over to mom and dad's to bring Mom some muffins for her birthday. We were just sitting around talking when my phone rang. It was our social worker. Again, my gut instinct was wrong as I thought for certain she was calling to tell us that the birthmom had changed her mind. Instead she was calling to tell us that the birthmom (who has a name by the's Tonya) was going to the hospital...her water had broken!


Tons of phone calls. Crunch time. By 1:00 PM we made the decision to start packing up the van and get our buts out to Maryland. This was really happening and it was happening NOW!

Mom and Dad came over to help watch Mary, wash baby clothes, pack things up. Everyone's hearts were racing.

At 5:30 PM the three of us got in the mini van (not having even looked up directions) punched "Silver Springs, Maryland" into the GPS system and headed east with crazy, dopey grins plastered all over our faces.

We drove through the night. Mary did well, sleeping mostly but watching Baby Einsteen or the Wiggles when necessary. Kurt and I were exhausted.

At 9:00 the next morning (still driving) we heard from Tonya's social worker in Maryland. Baby girl born on 1-24 at 9:37 PM. Healthy and beautiful!

We cried.

Two girls. Two little girls! How did we ever get so lucky?

Right then, we named her Ella Rose. Louella was Kurt's mother's middle name (we shortened it to Ella) and Rose is Tonya's middle name. We gave glory to God.

By noon we had made it to Silver Spring and checked into our hotel, grabbed a quick shower, and headed over to the hospital where we met our new daughter and her mom.

We stayed until 8 PM that night. The social worker said she had never seen a birthmom and an adoptive family "gel" as quickly as we did. It was natural, effortless. We clicked.

Mary was a mess. She pushed every button in that hospital room that she could find. Poor Tonya's bed was going up and down and there were several times that Mary "accidently" called the nurse. Yikes! Tonya didn't miss a beat though. She could tell we were stressed and so she pulled Mary up into bed with her to watch some cartoons so that we could bond with Ella.

Did I mention how great Tonya is?

We kept asking if we should leave. We wanted to respect her time with Ella in the hospital. She said, "it's better to have you here. It makes me feel good to watch you hold her, love her."

So we stayed. And when we left, we made plans to return at 8:00 the next morning.

We spent the whole day there until everyone was discharged at about 3:00.

Parting ways was one of the hardest things I've ever experienced. Bittersweet doesn't describe it. Tonya and I held each other and wept. Sobs and big fat tears. It was honestly so hard. I kept whispering to her, "we're family now. We're family now." She said goodbye to Ella and we drove away.

Tears. Joy with our blessing. Sadness at her grief. Tears.

We got to our hotel just in time for Mary to nap and for Kurt and I to snuggle with our new daughter. It felt so good. Finally, it felt real.

The next day we moved hotels to an 'extended stay' place (much cheaper! thank heavens!).
The following two weeks were much busier than I had anticipated. Kurt's parents came. I had to fly home to photograph my first wedding. My mom flew back out. Kurt went home. We visited with Tonya several times. It was so great to see her each time. I could sense she was slowly healing.

On Wednesday, February 6th we got the call that we were clear to leave Maryland! All the paperwork had gone through and we were free to go home.

Much to my surprise, I wasn't completely overjoyed. I knew that this meant I had to say "goodbye" to Tonya again. This time, it would be goodbye for good (well not really for good, just until she comes back to Minnesota in May). We made plans to go out to dinner that night. After eating we hung out at her place for awhile, prolonging the inevitable.

She kept saying, "I know this what I have to do....what I need to do, but it's still so hard." I reassured her that I believed her, but I didn't dare say "I understand" because I know that I couldn't possibly understand those emotions.

We cried. We hugged. We took pictures. We cried.

I reassured her that she is part of this family now.

Then, we said goodbye. It was hard. So hard.

Mom and I drove back to the hotel, and got things ready to leave.

The next morning, at 5 Am, we packed up my two little girls and headed home.

I couldn't wait to get here. I couldn't wait to fall asleep in our big leather recliner with my daughters snoozing on my lap. I couldn't wait to hug Kurt. I couldn't wait show Ella to my dad and my sisters. I couldn't wait for all of this to become real. The kind of realness that only happens when you're back on your own turf.

We arrived home on Friday, February 8th at 5:00 PM. We were tired. We were exhausted. But, nonetheless, we were home.

Home never felt so good before.

worth a thousand words

I just can't stop taking pictures of this little girl. She's crawled right into my heart and made a little home there.

Here she is posing with the blanket that he biological grandma made her.

I took this one in the hotel in Maryland. Talk about being creative! I stole the coffee table from the lobby and just went to town. Can you tell I was going nuts out there (wishing I were back home to use my studio set up!)?

Cold Turkey

Day one of the "no more binkies" brigade is in full swing.

Just put Mary down for a nap sans pacifier.

Strangely fussing. Maybe she's more ready to be done with it than we thought?

I'll be sure to update you on the progress.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

big events

1. We're currently on our way home!!! We got the call that we could leave Maryland yesterday afternoon and we took off this morning at 5 AM. We're not expecting to roll into town until tomorrow afternoon (taking it real slow with the little girlies) but we're making steps in that direction!

2. Mary pooped on the potty!!!! We stopped in Ohio to see my sister (she's here with her bball team) and we were just hanging out in the hotel room. All of a sudden she tells me she has to go poopie and so I plopped her up there...wouldn't you know it - she did!!! I'm so proud of her! We went right to the candy machine and got her a treat.

So all in all...not a bad day for our little family. :)

I'll be sure to write more when I get home...

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


First, I promise the full story is forthcoming...I'm still just waiting for a few uninterrupted moments so that I can write it all down. Of course, as the mother of two I could be waiting quite awhile. Anyway...for now you get some recent observations:

- Ella hiccups. A lot! Like, all the time. Sometimes she hiccups so much that she gets ticked off and starts whining. It's kinda cute.

- Mary is now huge. Seriously. Since we got Ella, Mary has grown four feet and gained 40 lbs (or so it seemed). Kurt now calls her "horse." It cracks me up.

- Ella has seemed to loose that newborn look already! I can't believe my eyes, she's already filling out.

- Mary can now count to ten. But sometimes she just likes to say "one - two - three - CORNER!" (Perhaps we're disciplining too much??) :)

- Ella eats like a mad woman. When Mary was 1.5 weeks old we did the happy dance if she ate 1.5 ounces. On the other hand, we cut Ella off at 3 (Lord only knows how much she would eat if we let her!).

- Mary is still not thrilled with the new chick in town. She refuses to say her name (unless we bribe her) and she can be seen most often throwing fits, screaming, crying, or testing every limit I have. This morning she spit chewed up apples all over me. Evidently being a big sister was not on her agenda.

One final observation...

We're all ready to come home! Can't wait until everything clears and we can bring this little family home!

More later....