Friday, October 19, 2007

Morning surprise

You know how it is when you first wake up in the morning. You can't really see yet and you sorta stumble for a minute or two before your body is actually with it. Well, it is in those half awake moments when I greet my early riser daughter.

Yesterday morning was no exception. She fussed, I woke, she beckoned, I went to get her from her crib.

I walk in, still dazed, and greeted her. She seemed to be preoccupied with her finger. Holding it out, staring at it, pointing to it. In Mary-speak, this normally means she has an owie. I figured it was a hangnail or something of the sort.

I obliged her, saying, "Oh sweetie...does Mary have an owie? Momma kiss it? Momma make it better?"

This must have been what she was hoping for because she instantly stuck her owied finger up to me, so that I could give it a peck with my healing mama-magic.

And so I did. In my sleepy haze, I leaned down and touched my lips to her sweet little finger.

And it was at that moment that I felt the monstrous, wet booger that had been residing on the end of her fingertip attach itself to my mouth.

And so begins another day in this crazy life of mine.


Anonymous said...

YUMMY!!! Delicious and nutritious breakfast! Such a sweet thoughtful little girl:) I was hoping you weren't going to say that there was some poop on her finger:) Have a fun weekend. Love, Rachel

Jess said...

OH MY GOSH! That's too funny in an I'm-glad-it-was-you-not-me-but-I'll-get-my-booger-finger-or-the-equivilent way!

It is better than poop, though, that's for sure!!

Anonymous said...

why is it that we all think of poop first? i was totally thinking that was on her finger! what does that say about me as a parent? ;o)

long email coming your way soon!

Jess said...


I shouldn't have laughed.

Ava has a cold and today when I went to get her out of bed, I went to take her hands and pretend to eat them (because that's her new fav game).


WELL....she must have swiped her nose and there was snot and a booger on there and you guessed ended up on my lip.

You just HAD to start that, didn't you??

NationalParkMama said...

Priceless!!! LOL. She's too much ;). Thanks for the post on my blog. I have NO qualms about formula feeding and it will be very special still, albeit pricier lol. My unhappiness with this is purely that no one knows WHAT TO DO? And that scares me for other aspects of all this. Oh well. Thanks again for boosting my day!!!

Unknown said...

Oh wow. Motherhood. And to think my body/brain is actually urging me towards this...

Ally said...

OH MY...that is hilarious!!! Have you taught her to say booger yet? She cracks me up!