Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Naughty Wal-Mart

Seriously...what do they put in the air in that place?

Last night I loaded Mary up and took her to Wal-Mart so that I could get some groceries and such (looooooong overdue on groceries). Walking into the store I had a time limit in my head, "I want to be out of here in 30 minutes or less."


So they're playing the Christmas music (all my favorites) and they've got all their Christmas things out (I love looking at decorations and even those little gift sets they have this time of year). All of a sudden I feel my pace slowing, I'm lingering longer. In no time at all I find myself thinking, "Oooooh....it would be fun to just walk the aisles and see what I can find."

WHAT??? How did that happen? I had an agenda!

Seriously...I think they have some sort of magic "buy lots of stuff" potion that they pipe into the air ducts.

Anyone else buying into my conspiracy theory?


Anonymous said...

Maybe that's another reason Tom doesn't like Wal-mart:) HAHAHAHAAA!! Aren't the holidays wonderful??? I think it's just that you're taking time to "smell the roses" (ie, purchase lots of things:) Love you, Rachel

PS- Want to see Halloween pics!!!

NationalParkMama said...

It is a conspiracy. I fall into it as well. Christmas is such a joyful time, it's hard to resist anything Christmas-y.

PS I want Halloween pics too!

Anonymous said...

We are such soul-mates! I too was in Wal-Mart last night, and I too spent to much time (and $$$$$). They were playing xmas music and I looked at the little gift sets. Funny, even 2500 miles away we share some brain cells!

I do have to say that I am NOT ready for xmas yet! I want to enjoy Thanksgiving first!!!! (first thanksgiving home in 10 years and all that!)

I am however planning my annual crafty birthday party tho - wanna come? ;o)

Oh! and add me to the Halloween picture wish list!

Jess said...

DEFINITELY. I do think it's totally a conspiracy. I mean, we NEVER get out of there without a cartload (and a complaining hubby).

I love the Christmas stuff, too!!