Monday, June 25, 2007

the new mom

Did I tell you about the shirt Kurt made me wear for Mother's Day? He's such a nerd. Between the t-shirt, the corasage, and my new "mom" necklace I felt like I should have a neon sign blinking "MOTHER'S DAY" over my head!

Who am I kidding? I'm an attention junkie, I totally loved it.

Me, Mary, and my t-shirt on Mother's Day

3 generations of mothers: my grandma, my mom, and my sister Stacy and I with our kids

Seriously, do they get cuter than this? Mary with her cousins Christian and Clayton.


Platinum Rose said...

Such a cute group! Your shirt was a creative, sweet idea of your husband's, too!

Anonymous said...

Tam- I love the pic of Mary, Christian and Clayton- just adorable!!!!! Also, you're hot in that shirt:) Funny!!! Talk to you soon. Love you. Rachel