Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Putting myself out there

So being a new stay-at-home mom, contrary to popular belief, does not leave me with a glowing social calander. Most days are filled with primary colored toys, baby food jars, and some cartoons. Every once in a while we turn up the i-Pod and do a rousing rendition of "this little light of mine" but mostly it's pretty tame around here.

However, seeing as I am a bit of an extrovert, there are times when I find myself missing the social scene. We're in a new place, in a new (new all over again) town, and in a new job (where my daughter is my 'boss'). To be blunt, Kurt and I are totally on the friend hunt. Nerds? Yes, we are.

So, as we are on the friend hunt, I've been doing all I can to put myself out there. I joined MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) and have met some nice moms there. We went out to dinner with some coworkers of Kurts. I even answered an ad on where a new mom was looking to have coffee with other stay at home moms. Actually turned out to be a good experience (yeah bravery!). Most recently (yesterday) I attended my first "Baby and Me" class. It was such a blast! Everyone there had babies under 12 months and we just played, sang songs, talked about mom stuff, etc. I was so glad I went! And don't kid yourself...I totally scoped the room out for potential friends. A girl needs her amigas!

Helping me on my friend hunt is my crazy daughter. Mary has developed quite the little personality and lately she loves to beller out this big, fake laugh whenever she can - just to steal the spotlight (imagine that...the daughter of Kurt and I wanting to be the center of attention!?!). Well whenever I'm in MOPS or Baby and Me, she finds just the right moment to let our her laugh. It's like she understands 'grown up conversation' and just wants to add her two cents. She literally has all the other moms in stitches from laughter (me too!). I have to admit, I secretly love her bold nature. She's just this unabashed little person...and I'm proud to call her mine.

Anyways, so I'm doing what I can to put myself out there. Hoping to meet some new people and grow some roots in our new place. And so's working.


Anonymous said...

Fellow nestie checking out your new blog home. I started a blog spot, but havent changed over yet, I've already lost everyone I knew there anyway.

Sounds like you've done a lot of networking! I basically work from home and live in the country and feel so isolated so I know what it's like. Best wishes in your friend search!

Have a lovely day!

RJ / softthunder at the nest

Jennifer L. said...

Glad I found your new blog home. I have changed mine, too. I guess Blogger is the new nest! :)

It sounds like you're taking great steps in finding friends. We've lived here for nearly two years, and I still don't have any really good friends, although my co-workers are great and I have a Bible study I'm involved in. It's hard to get established in a new place, so kudos to you for taking those hard steps!

Platinum Rose said...

Awwww, what Mary does sounds adorable! Good for you, sticking yourself out there to find new friends. It's important to have those, and very nice to have some that live near you! I don't think I would be gutsy enough to do that - I am a very shy person until I get to know you. I am proud of you!

Jess said...

OH MY GOSH, that laughing stuff is soooo funny!

Hope all the friend-hunting and getting yourself out there gets you lots of new pals!!

Anonymous said...

You are brave girl...that is pretty cool. I sure hope you find some mom's that you can start to consider new friends.


Me said...

Hi Tammy,

I've decided to jump the Nest ship! Please come visit me at

Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

I hear you on the "friend hunt". We've been back in WI for almost 2 years and only occasionally feel brave enough to put ourselves out there. I'm finding people we meet feel pretty much the same way. We found camping buddies for the summer--two other teacher at Steve's school, so we're excited:) We play bar league volleyball in the summer and a lot of people bring their kids. Volleyball is great bc it is our built in social activity every Wednesday. Love to hear about Mary's new adventures.