Monday, April 30, 2007


Lately I've been trying to be better about letting Mary 'roam free' a bit and not have her caged (i.e. in the exersaucer or playpen) or in my arms 24-7. It can be tempting to just shelter her from EVERYTHING so that I can go about my day faster and more efficiently, however I know that I need to just let her stretch her legs every once in a while too.

Well, last week I was doing just that when it dawned on me - "hey, I haven't seen her for a few minutes...I wonder where she is?" So I look. And I look and I look and I look. And where do I find Miss Mary?

In the bathroom...

With toilet paper....

Strewn e-v-e-r-y-w-h-e-r-e!

Rather than get mad....I whipped out the camera. Sometimes you just have to laugh.

In this pic, she knew she was totally busted!

I love this one because she was so frustrated that the TP was all gone!! certainly is humbling! :)

1 comment:

NationalParkMama said...

What a silly girl. She's going to keep you on your toes for sure!! I can't get over how big she's gotten...seems like just yesterday you brought her home.