Friday, December 21, 2007

I (heart) the return line

I've noticed a pattern of behavior lately, particularly in my clothes shopping habbits.

You see, now that I have a full blown toddler (with opinions of her own and a loud mouth with which she can voice them) shopping for clothes has become....difficult.

Let's say I'm roaming the aisles of Target when lo-and-behold I fiind the perfect shirt. I love the shirt. I want the shirt. I need the shirt. Just for the record, the shirt is more than likely black (as that's basically all I wear!). :)

Well, at this point I have two choices:

1. Pick out two different sizes of the magical black shirt and go try them on the nearest dressing room so I can make an educated choice on weather or not the shirt needs to grace my wardrobe.

2. Hold the shirt up to my body (which, of course, is already cloaked in a bulky sweatshirt and a puffy coat) and (quickly) decide which one to throw in the cart before Little Miss Mary grows impatient with my decision making process.

Normally, I choose number 2. You see, I seriously fear getting her out of the cart to head into the dressing rooms. I just KNOW that the minute I take my clothes off, she'll escape under the door and go running into home electronics. I have this total mental image of me flailing through Target, wearing only my unmentionables, searching frantically for my giggling daughter.

And so it goes that I spend a great deal of my days in the return aisle...taking back this shirt or these jearns that were too big or too small.

All because my daughter CLEARLY wears the pants in this relationship.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear all is well. Merry Christmas!!!
Megan S.

Jess said...


I love the visual of Mary laughing as you chase her through the store in your undies. lol!

Have a very merry Christmas!!

Anonymous said...

horse and heifer,

We're shopping one day after a bottle of crown. I pick out this little hawiian shirt and went into the dressing room and then little horse went off and decided to play in the women's lingerie department. I came out and he had this little pink teddy on and was jumping all around singing Jingle Bells.

I just don't know how to contain him he's a little shit.


Everytime it snow I have to take the little guy out to help push the driveway off and then he loves to play in it with his pants off.

Save a horse ride a heifer

Anonymous said...

For my blog readers:

I know what you're thinking..who is that crazy "horse and heifer" comment from??? Why doesn't she delete it???

You, see...I just can't. "Horse" and "Heifer" are two of Kurt's rough and tumble buddies from high school. I simply ADORE the fact that they are reading this blog (using a computer? reading a blog??) and, to top it off, they left a comment!!!!

I'm grinning ear to ear.

I just love those two guys. Crazy, vulgar post and all. :)