Thursday, January 1, 2009

keeping it alive in 2009

After lots and lots of pursuading (ahem...Rachel) I'm attempting to revive my blog. Attempting is the key word. Who knows if I'll actually get back into the swing of posting regularly after the 7 month hiatus. Time will tell. As for now, it will be my New Years resolution (since I'm already perfect in every other way....ha!). So leave me lots of comments to encourage me, k?

As for now...09 proves to be a rockin' year for the Hoegers. Our New Years Eve was a blast as always. We go to my parents house for a huge family friendly party (complete with a stocked bar for the adults and a pinata for the kiddos). This year Kurt invited his folks and 4 of his nephews and 1 niece to come up and join in the festivities. It was great having them there but I felt bad at the same time. While Kurt got to be 'fun uncle' ("Tonight you can eat as much candy as you want!!") I played the part of bitchy aunt (I came up with this term myself). It was not uncommon for me to say any of the following at any point throughout the night:

"Show me your clean plate and then you can have a cookie."
"Do we stand on the pin ball machine???"
"Take turns...or else nobody gets to play"

Yeah - I'm a serious fun hater. My kids are bound to be boring.

Anyway, New Years Day has been absolutely wonderful. We spent the entire day in jammies (loving that), ate lots of yummy leftovers, played some serious Taboo, napped, and Ella took her first step! I use the term 'first step' loosely. It was probably more like graceful falling, but I think it counts in the baby book!

Over the next week or so I'll try to get some fun holiday pics up (heavens knows I have a ton of them). Until then....Happy New Year (now finish your plate)!


Jess said...

YAY! A post from you!! I would be sooo excited to see your blog come back! Talk about the kids and adoption and birthfamily reltionships...I'll eat it all up! There are SO few people blogging with openness! Yes, yes, yes!

Glad your 09 started nicely!! Keep it up! Can't wait to see loooots of pics!

Travis and Rachel said...

YEAH!!!!! You have made my entire week. Can't wait to see the holiday pics!!! Did I portray my excitement enough??? :)

Maureen said...

I'm glad you're back, Tammy! Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

you rock! Does this mean I have to start doing mine again??? ;o)