Saturday, January 17, 2009


Finally Mary is taking a nap.

The past two days she has declined. Not in a crabby way. Not in a crying way. Just in a..."mom...I seriously am not tired. Can we just get over this?" kind of a way.

I am NOT ready for her to be done with naps. She's too young. And I'm too nap-dependent.

Praying that this is just a blip.


Jess said...

How old is she again? I dread the day when the babies stop taking naps.

Nap dependent is RIGHT. Good night, I NEED THEM TOO! How else am I supposed to do the laundry???

Travis and Rachel said...

I totally hear you! Why don't they understand how great naps are??? I'm going to make Taryn take one as long as I can!! Either that or it's going to be quiet time for at least an hour in your room. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Tammy - I am SO Glad you are back to blogging - I love it I was seriously having withdraws - what else am I to use for a great work break!!!! Now for the photos! :)
Jana Kelly

Anonymous said...

can you hear me laughing all the way from California.....?