Sunday, January 25, 2009

my sweet Ella Rose

One year ago, just about at this exact hour, I first laid eyes on you in a cold hospital room in the middle of Maryland. I was tired and weary after a whirlwind 16 hour journey through the night to meet you. You were sleepy and exhausted, not even 12 hours old. Through the emotional fog that hovered in that room, your bright blue eyes locked on mine and melted my heart and from that moment on...I was totally, overwhelmingly in love with you.

I'll never forget how sweet it was to hold you for the first time and how much I just wanted to unwrap that blanket, strip off that hat, and stare at every inch of you so that I could memorize your whole being. I was torn between holding you tight to my body so that I could feel your heart beating and laying you across my lap so that I could stare at you for hours. You bonded to be me instantly, and secretly I loved that you be held by me for the majority of your first year of life. You see, your mama would do anything for you, baby girl.

Yesterday we celebrated your first birthday. Today is our anniversary of meeting you. What lucky fools we all are to have each other.

Happy Birthday, sweet Ella Rose. God bless you today, tomorrow, and always.


Jess said...


Happy Birthday, Ella!

Anonymous said...

why do you make me cry at work! love that baby ella!!!!!

Travis and Rachel said...

So sweet! Love you all!

Kelli said...

Hi, Tammy :) I just happened upon your blog and wanted to say Happy Birthday to your sweet Ella!

We just began the adoption process and, after catching up on some of your previous posts, I discovered we are using the same agency! I'm so excited!