Thursday, January 22, 2009

moms say the darndest things

It's funny what comes out of your mouth when you stay at home all day with two toddlers. Just now as I was on lunch duty with the munchkids I laughed out loud at myself.

Mary's highchair is right next to the place where we drop assorted mail and newspapers (bad choice of location, I think). Feeling distracted and unwilling to eat she was grabbing for yesterday's unread newspaper. The conversation went a little something like this.

"Mommy! Mommy! This is Barack Obama"

"Yes Mary, that is Barack Obama." (thinking I should make this a teachable moment) "He is the new president of our country. We really hope he does a very good job."

"Yes, he needs to do good job. Ella needs to do good job too."

(and the next sentence is where I laughed out loud at myself)

"Okay Mary, that's enough. Put Barack Obama down and eat your macaroni."

Okay...maybe you just had to be here.

1 comment:

Jess said...

Oh no, it's funny even not having been there.

Being a SAHM with two kids rots your brain...but in a good way, of course!! ;)