Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Seriously...I'm such a loser.

If you know me in real life, you know that I am RIDICULOUSLY competitive. Like, Monica from friends competitive. I hate losing and have been known to make small children cry when playing a board game (okay that's a bit of an overstatement....but only a small one).

Anyway, so this weekend we went camping for Kurt's birthday (happy birthday babe!) and one afternoon we took the kids down to the play area at the campground. Slides, check. Swings, check. Tetherball....check?

We were all sitting there talking about tetherball and who could beat who when, lo and behold, we decide to play a few games (the adults that is). Next thing you know...we're all in a huge battle of the bravest championship. We're huffing, puffing, and slamming the tetherball like our lives depend on it.

Leading the pack was me. I was seriously playing my heart out/ I was running, I was slamming, I was throwing, I was sweating, but for the life of me...I could NOT win a game. I kept trying and trying...egging everyone on just so that someone else would play against me. But I just. couldn't. win. I was literally dying inside. I HATE to lose.

10 losses later...I gave up. With my tail between my legs I walked back to the camper and pouted the rest of the night.

Monday morning, the next day, I woke up and immediately burst into laughter.

Nearly the entire surface area of my skin on my forearm is covered with bruises. And I mean nasty, black, yellow, blue, and UGLY bruises. Bruises you could only earn through 10 consecutive losses in tetherball.

Seriously, how big of a loser AM I????

I wore a sweatshirt today. The first day it was over 80 degrees and I had to wear a damn sweatshirt to cover my tetherball bruises. Duh.


Platinum Rose said...

Hahaha, you're so funny! Happy belated birthday to your husband! Maybe you should look into tetherball lessons or something, for a rematch :-)

Anonymous said...

That's my Holland scholar! Love you! Lisa

Travis and Rachel said...

You are a loser! That will teach you for being so darn competitive! HAHAHA!!!!

Me said...

Hi there,

Will you send me your email at I'm going to be going private shortly. Thanks!

Heather said...

Well, now you could win a "Who has the biggest/most bruises" competition, right? lol

Anonymous said...

You are a loser. Post something!!!!! Hahahaha. It was nice talkin' to you last week. Hope Friday's night was a little better for you! Lisa