Tuesday, April 1, 2008

rub a dub dub dub

Every night is the same...

6:00 we eat dinner.
Done by 6:30 or so.
Clean up the dishes.
Then...it's bath time!!!

Mary is always SO excited to get in the bath tub. She ADORES the tub and would stay in there for hours if we let her. She gets even more excited if she gets to take a bath with her sister.

Here are my little munchkins last week...could that smile get any bigger?!?


Jess said...

Ava is the SAME WAY. She's a MONSTER in the tub, though, so of course Ethan can't go in with her. He's too small and SHE'S too small to understand not drowning him! hahaha


Anonymous said...

Enjoy it now...fast forward 3 years...

Mary: Mom Ella won't leave me alone!
Ella: (screaming)I'm not doing ANYTHING!
Mary: Yes you are, you are in my "space". I need my "space"!
Mary: You are breathing my air!
Ella: Nuh uh.
Mary: Yes you are Ella, everyone breathes air and you are sooooo doing it right now.
Ella: NO I AM NOT!

Replace Mary with Zack and Ella with Mattie and you have our bathtime last night. OOOH it's so much fun! ;o)

Travis and Rachel said...

Child pornography!!! Watch out!

You know I"m just kidding- the pic is adorable.

Love you!

NationalParkMama said...

adorable. so nice to read the updates. I can't believe how big Miss Mary is getting!! And I can't believe we both have an Ella. Too cute. It's a shame we didn't get the Ellas to meet!

Anonymous said...

These are priceless photos of moments that can never be duplicated. Thanks for sharing! We miss you
Dan, Connie, Trevor & Cassidy