Tuesday, January 15, 2008

hello potty!

Yesterday morning Mary was eating candy by 7:30 am.

Yeah - that's right, I gave my 1.5 year old candy before the general public is even at work.

You see....I had to. I made a promise.

"Mary, if you go potty in the potty chair...momma will give you some candy"

And, lo and behold, she did!

We've seen no more potty since (well, we've seen pleanty --- it's just all in the diaper). Perhaps it was a fluke. But at 7:30 yesterday morning...you couldn't have found a more proud mom or a more satisfied little girl.

As a side note...we've just recently decided to try to get things going with the potty chair in our house. On Monday night, right before bath time, I tried to get Mary to "go." She was not interested at all so I thought maybe I would have her just hang out naked for a bit (only on the tile floor) and eventually I could get her to go. I was explaining my theory to Kurt (who thought I was nuts) when we heard Mary banging around in the bathroom.

"Come on out here Mary," I said

The little girl listened, and came out the door of the bathroom. Standing in the hallway.

Just joking, Kurt said, "yeah...Mary, don't be in the bathroom. Just pee on the floor"

And wouldn't you know it...right on cue, she did just that. All. over. the. floor.

At least she was listening, right?


Travis and Rachel said...

Yeah for Mary! So exciting!

Ally said...

Too funny! I bet you guys were rolling when she actually did pee on the floor! Good for her....I can't believe she's actually old enough to pee in the potty already!

Jess said...

Oooh, exciting stuff! Yay Mary, way to go!

Except, you know, the part about peeing on the floor. hehehe

LCP said...

Good for her...wow, she is 18 months and potty training? That is encouraging. Miss J is 16 months and I keep hearing to wait until 2yrs...hmmm...some hope!

Anonymous said...

have you tried pencils? i hear they work wonders???? I might have a few (hundred) around here somewhere.
